Increase Search Engine Ranking – The Right Way

Improve Search Engine RankingsIf you came here, your likely looking to improve a search engine ranking.

Lucky for you, you’ve just stumbled across someone who will give you wonderful tips on how to achieve your goal, quickly. It won’t be easy but this method is proven to work

You must be dedicated to improving your search engine rankings. Why?

Trial and error. Many SEOs have taken years of trial and error to get it down to a science. Use my years of trial and error to your advantage to improve your search engine rankings.

It is my goal to give you a general idea on how to improve your search engine ranking and achieve the same SEO results found here:

Step One: Improve Search Engine Rankings & Quality Traffic

Two words. Google Analytics. Identify what terms are currently bringing in traffic. Why work on something that is not even in the top 100, when you can leverage your existing rankings that are likely to convert? Time is money.Cornell User Study

Find keywords that have favorable time on site,  higher pages/visit than your site average, lower bounce rate than site average, etc. These metrics will tell you who is an extremely qualified visitor. You want more. Trust me.

These are the people who are likely to take action. Which is what you want, right? YES!

After identifying these favorable keywords, do a quick search to identify where you are ranking in the search engine. If you are currently sitting at Page One #9, it should be a logical approach to increase this search engine ranking.

Let’s say the keyword gets 1,000 searches [exact match]. According to a Cornell University study, if you were to increase this ranking on the search engine to Page 1 #3, you could expect 8.37% more traffic.

Instead of 14 visitors, you’d be looking at 98.2 visitors! Not to shabby, huh?

Best part about this is that we already know these are people that are interested in your product of service by doing a Google Analytics analysis on the quality of this keywords traffic.

Step Two: Optimization to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

In your quest to increase your rankings, there are a multitude of aspects that should be carefully considered. In addition to improving your search engine rankings, why not get more traffic from your existing placements?

On-Page SEO: 
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  • Title Tags – Mention Keyword Only? Change it. Add Other Relevant Information.
  • Meta Description – Care About CTR? Spend time on this. Look at what your competitors are doing. How can you convince a potential user your the right site for their needs?
  • Meta Keywords – I’m joking. 🙂
  • Implement Google Authorship – Quickly and easily increase your CTR. Numerous studies have been done. It works.
  • Content – Oh boy. This one may take longer than I expected. Don’t even worry about keyword density. Do research (TIP: Search for your keyword, did Google Instant give you suggestions? Is their related searches at the bottom of the page? Is this relevant to your keyword? Include it. If Google thinks that keyword is relevant, so should you. Write naturally. Be compelling. Be yourself.
  • Easy to Share Socially? – A recent blog post I did catapulted to Page One after it was shared excessively by SEOs. Write something that offers extreme value and others will be glad to share.


Off-Page SEO:

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  • Guest Post – Find quality websites that offer great information. Email the webmaster. Introduce yourself. What makes you different than the 100s of other emails they get? Sell yourself and that future guest post is yours.  Use this as your main source. Anything that requires work is a good thing. Many competitors won’t take the time necessary to make it happen. Use that fact to your advantage.
  • Blog – Wait that’s not off-page? Well, provide stunning … not the “C” word … content! It will evolve into off-page. It will get shared.
  • Local Business Listings – Yelp, Hot Frog, Yellow Pages, Superpages, etc. Low alexa ratings are good. Provide value in all of them.
  • Social Bookmarking – Share your blog posts! Categorize them. Use sites like: Digg, Delicious, and StumbleUpon.


Step Three: Create a Plan & Stick to It

The hardest aspect of SEO is to stay disciplined. Do not get discouraged. You must grind for weeks and weeks. Your results will pay off.

Shortcuts no longer exist. In fact, I am thankful for Panda & Penguin. Hard work goes really far these days in the SEO world. You now know how to improve search engine ranking, the question is, will you create a plan & stick to it?