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After interviewing 150 SEOmoz Experts on the most important ranking factors. 66.46% say the quality & quantity of backlink is most important

Every two years, Moz surveys the opinions of dozens of
the worlds brightest search marketers and runs correlation studies to
better understand the workings of search engine algorithms.
We gather this data to gain insight into the factors
that may help—or hurt—a website’s visibility in search engines.
In 2015 Moz surveyed over 150 leading search marketers who provided expert opinions on over 90 ranking factors.

As you can see from the chart, getting top positions on Google depends on the quality & quantity of backlinks of your website for 66.46%:

Link Popularity of Specific Page (22.33%);
Trust/Authority of the Host Domain (23.87%);
Anchor Text of External Links to the Page (20.26%);

In addition to all of these factors, proper On-Page
Optimization (15.04%) and some changes to your Registration &
Hosting Data (6.91%) we’ll take the overall score to 88.41%.

What SEO Experts are Saying About Domain Authority

“As a matter of fact, the power of any website lies in the DA and PA. PageRank is no longer an effective metric; it fizzled out a long time ago.”

Neil Patel

“It’s best to use Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) as comparative metrics when doing research in the search results and determining which sites/pages may have more powerful/important link profiles than others.”

“Essentially, the higher the DA score of any site or page, the more link juice and value Google will pass to the inbound links coming from that site or page.”

Neil Patel

“Domain Authority is SEOmozs calculated metric for how well a given domain is likely to rank in Google. coms search results.

John Doherty

“Domain Authority (DA) is a website metric developed by Moz.
It is one of the most important numbers known to SEOs. The greater your DA, the more likely you are to have strong traffic and high rank.

Neil Patel

These are Just a Small Part of Results We Delivered in 2016
With Backlinks From 20-70 Domain Authority Sites

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