Our SEO And Google Ads Case Study

First Family Insurance Agency

Client: First Family Insurance Agency

URL: https://www.firstfamilyinsuranceagency.com/

Website Focus: Insurance

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided:  Web Design, Web Development, SEO and Google Ads

Business Type: Finance

Client Industry: Finance

Case Summary: How does one of the leading Issuance Agency in Florida increase their website traffic and overall performance with our SEO and Google Ads Efforts? Find out here.

Read The Challenge, Our Solution, And The Result Below


First Family Insurance Agency needed help to build their new agency website, run Google Ads and SEO, they reached to us.


The Marketing Cartel took over all SEO, Social Media, and PPC for their Insurance Agency and also built their new agency website in word press technology. We worked on developing a full functional insurance website where people can buy insurance online. We also worked on Copy Writing, Full Google Ads Management, Link Building, Tracking Solution, SEO and Social Media.


In just few months of work Marketing Cartel achieved a remarkable result. Their traffic to the website went to 800%+ increase from 73 to 699. Their website is a
full functional mobile responsive and mobile fast loading website.

First Family Insurance Agency Traffic

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