Our SEO And Google Ads Case Study

Lavalle, Brown & Ronan

Client: Lavalle, Brown & Ronan, P.A.

URL: https://bocalaw.com/

Website Focus: Legal Website

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO, Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Law Firm

Client Industry: Legal

Case Summary: How does one of the leading Lawyer Website nearly double their organic traffic in just a year’s time? Find out here.


Read The Challenge, Our Solution, And The Result Below


The law firm of Lavalle, Brown & Ronan, P.A, needed help with online marketing, they reached out to us.


The Marketing Cartel took over all SEO, Social Media, PPC for The law firm of Lavalle, Brown & Ronan, P.A and also built their Word Press website. We worked on copy, online public relations and link building, created infographics and designs, and fixed many server and site issues.


In 2 years, Marketing Cartel achieved a 116.70% increase in organic traffic to The law firm of Lavalle, Brown & Ronan, P.A website.They went from not ranking at all on many terms to dominating their targeted keywords.

Lavalle, Brown & Ronan, P.A Traffic

Boca Law Traffic

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