Companhia #1 de Design de Websites da Flórida
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Agência #1 De Design De Websites Da Flórida
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Encontre a solução de design de websites que você procura em um só lugar!

Do Google Ads às mídias sociais, do design do site ao SEO, soluções de hospedagem… nós fazemos tudo! Nossa agência de marketing tem quase 15 anos de experiência e grande conhecimento em marketing digital, e podemos ajudá-lo a alcançar suas metas com sucesso. Orgulhamo-nos de não manter nossos clientes reféns de um contrato longo, então nossos clientes ficam conosco porque fazemos o trabalho! Nós temos escritores, desenvolvedores web, designers gráficos, especialistas em hospedagem na web, SEO
especialistas, uma estrutura de PPC fenomenal e uma grande equipe de líderes para fazer o seu projeto alcançar os níveis de sucesso que você deseja. Reivindique uma das ofertas abaixo por um mês grátis de serviços de nossa equipe de web design. Aja agora!

Is Your Website Getting The Result It Deserves?
We Can Help You To Deliver The Result
Our 4-Step SEO Approach
Nossas Atividades De Design De Websites Incluem:
Design De Site Customizado

Um website customizado, responsivo, passa aos visitantes uma ideia clara das ofertas da sua marca, seus serviços e seus produtos. Nós somos experts em design customizado de webistes e seu desenvolvimento e usamos as mais modernas técnicas em seu website.

Responsive Website
Website Responsivo E Fácil De Usar

Nossos designs de websites responsivos entregam conteúdo visualmente claro e de fácil leitura para qualquer aparelho, independentemente do tamanho da tela. Nós, da The Marketing Cartel, criamos websites responsivos customizados em qualquer plataforma.

Websites Para Empresa De E- commerce

Somos a melhor companhia de design de websites de E-commerce. Somos experts em Shopify, Woo Commerce e todas as outras plataformas de e-commerce. Ligue para The Marketing Cartel agora para que a gente possa criar o seu website e você começar a vender seus produtos!

Criação De Landing Pages

Criamos lindas landing pages que serão visitadas por usuários que estão num funil específico das etapas de marketing. As landing pages oferecem conteúdo específico para seu negócio e para as ferramentas de buscas encontrarem sua página e converter novos clientes.

Design De Website Customizado

Um design de site personalizado é uma ótima maneira de dar uma vantagem ao seu negócio. Com o desenvolvimento web personalizado, você pode criar uma experiência adaptada às necessidades de seus clientes e que reflita a personalidade única de sua marca. Ele permite incorporar recursos como elementos interativos e conteúdo multimídia, tornando mais fácil para os visitantes encontrarem exatamente o que procuram rapidamente. Você também pode personalizar seções específicas do site com base nas preferências do usuário ou nos dados coletados sobre seus hábitos de navegação, para que cada visitante veja informações relevantes ao acessar sua página. Entre em contato conosco para um design de site personalizado completo, para criar uma poderosa presença online que irá impulsionar o engajamento e manter seus clientes voltando.

Website Responsivo E Fácil De Usar

Um site responsivo ajusta automaticamente seu layout e conteúdo, dependendo do dispositivo em que está sendo visualizado. Isso significa que você pode visualizar um site responsivo de qualquer tipo de celular, tablet ou computador e ainda ter uma experiência agradável. Os sites responsivos estão se tornando cada vez mais populares devido à sua capacidade de fornecer aos visitantes a mesma experiência de usuário excelente, independentemente do dispositivo que estão usando. Ao otimizar o design para vários dispositivos, seu site poderá alcançar mais pessoas do que nunca! Eles não são apenas para ajustar layouts – eles também envolvem garantir que todos os elementos do seu site funcionem corretamente em vários dispositivos. Podemos ajudá-lo a criar um site responsivo que terá uma ótima aparência, não importa onde esteja sendo visualizado.


E-commerce é o processo de compra e venda de bens ou serviços através da internet. No comércio eletrônico, os consumidores podem comprar produtos em lojas online sem precisar entrar em uma loja física. Esse tipo de compra revolucionou a forma como as pessoas compram itens grandes e pequenos, tornando mais fácil encontrar o que precisam em qualquer lugar do mundo. Ele também permite que as empresas alcancem mais clientes do que nunca, fornecendo acesso a seus produtos por meio de uma loja online. Quando você vier até nós para soluções de e-commerce, receberá atendimento personalizado e produtos de qualidade. Nossa equipe de profissionais experientes está aqui para fornecer o suporte e orientação necessários para o seu negócio. Ligue para nós hoje ainda!

Landing Pages

Criamos páginas de destino projetadas para dar ao seu público a melhor primeira impressão possível do seu produto ou serviço. Nossas páginas de destino são profissionais e atraentes e são otimizadas para computadores e dispositivos móveis. Entendemos que cada negócio é único, então nossa equipe dedica um tempo para aprender sobre você, seus objetivos e seu mercado-alvo para criar um design personalizado que ressoe com eles.
Usando informações baseadas em dados de ferramentas analíticas como o Google Analytics, podemos determinar qual conteúdo funciona melhor em cada página. Isso nos ajuda a criar uma cópia atraente que converterá visitantes em clientes, mantendo um fluxo fácil de ler. Além disso, nossos designers usam a psicologia das cores para garantir que cada página tenha um apelo estético agradável.

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Quem Somos

  • 1 Agência De Marketing Digital Focada Em Resultados
  • 2 Soluções De Marketing Focadas Em ROI
  • 3 15 Anos De Experiência
  • 4 Experiência De Trabalho Em Diferentes Indústrias
  • 5 Uso De Tecnologia Moderna Para Todas As Soluções
Wilbur Hilton, Presidente

O Que Nós Também Fazemos

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )

SEO, mais comumente referido como otimização de mecanismo de pesquisa, é um processo em que várias ações devem ser executadas para satisfazer os algoritmos complexos e em constante mudança do mecanismo de pesquisa. O SEO está mudando constantemente e nossa equipe se orgulha de utilizar nossos métodos próprios para obter com segurança o ranqueamento na primeira página

Social Media Marketing

A mídia social é o segmento que mais cresce na indústria de marketing na Internet. Mais e mais de seus clientes estão começando a gastar mais tempo em cada uma dessas populares plataformas de compartilhamento social. Cada plataforma é exclusivamente vantajosa em seus próprios aspectos. Ligue para nós hoje e nos diga sobre suas necessidades para montarmos o planejamento ideal.

Pay Per Click ( PPC )

Nossos especialistas em PPC executaram inúmeras campanhas publicitárias bem-sucedidas para diferentes clientes, dando atenção às particularidades dos requisitos de cada um de seus negócios. Nossos serviços de PPC trazem resultados garantidos. Contrate-nos hoje e saiba a diferença! Entre em contato conosco, solicite um orçamento ou ligue diretamente para nós hoje mesmo!

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Marketing Strategy That Work
We are a result-driven digital marketing agency with a big list of success stories. We’re not interested in a one-size-fits-all approach. We’ll develop a unique SEO strategy according to your business and needs.
Our Areas Of Marketing Include :
Website Audit
A website audit is the first step in a properly planned strategy. We identify keywords and push them up with a safe, white hat link-building strategy to get you quick increases in traffic.
Technical SEO
As the premier digital marketing company, we take a data-driven approach to help you achieve your desired results. Our technical SEO are designed to improve your site’s scalability, functionality.
Link Building
Getting links to your site is one of the most important factors in ranking highly. We manually reach out to high-authority websites to build high-quality links that drive traffic and rankings!
Content Creation
Recent Google updates place a lot of emphasis on the importance of content as a part of an effective SEO strategy. Our team works to put only the best content on your website.
Website Audit
A website audit is a comprehensive analysis of the existing performance, design, and usability features of an existing website. It can help identify areas for improvement which can lead to increased conversion rates, higher user engagement, and better overall user experience. By conducting a thorough website audit, you will gain valuable insights into how well your site is performing compared to its competitors as well as understand how users are interacting with it. The key elements that should be included in any website audit include page loading speed; mobile-friendliness; content optimization; search engine optimization (SEO); link building activities; social media integration and analytics tracking. Contact us today for a comprehensive website audit that will help you get the most out of your website.
Organic SEO / Map
Technical SEO includes activities such as improving page speed, optimizing URLs, using structured data markup, ensuring crawl ability, creating keyword-rich content, and more. Technical SEO can help improve your site’s rankings in organic search results by improving its overall performance. It is important to note that technical SEO should never be done at the expense of content optimization; doing so will not only hurt your chances of ranking higher but can also lead to penalties from search engines. Content optimization should always take precedence over technical optimizations since it has a direct effect on how users perceive your website or web page. You need both together for an effective SEO strategy. We can help you create an effective Technical SEO strategy tailored to your needs.
Link Building
Link building is an essential part of SEO and it involves the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to yours. This helps search engine bots understand that your website is connected to other sites on the web, increasing its relevance in the eyes of search engines. Link building also increases your website’s organic traffic by bringing more visitors through external links. To build quality backlinks for your site, you can start by writing content targeted at specific groups or audiences such as bloggers, journalists, influencers, and industry experts who may be willing to link back to you if they find value in what you have written. We have experience in creating strategies that involve guest blogging, directory submissions, and link exchanges with other websites.
Content Creation
Content creation is one of the most important elements of any successful online presence. It involves creating engaging and informative content that speaks to your target audience, encourages them to take action, and helps you build relationships with potential customers or clients. Content can come in many forms such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, webinars, and more. The quality of your content matters greatly because it reflects your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness. A good content strategy should include an analysis of what type of content works best for reaching a particular goal or set of goals. Content should be tailored to the audience you are trying to reach and should be created with them in mind. Contact us today to learn more.
Keyword Research

We use advanced competitive research (Competitive Gap Analysis) to find what you’re missing: high volume, low competition, valuable keywords. Then we build out effective byuing keywords list.

On-Page Optimization

We will determine the intent of the page and perform keyword research to find the best keywords to optimize the page. We will then write new title , meta descriptions, URLs, H1s, and other all SEO tags

Local SEO
If you’re like most business owners, you want to make sure your local SEO campaign is tailored for your specific needs. At The Marketing Cartel, we have Local SEO consultants who can help you.
Analytics Tracking
Managed SEO is not a short-term endeavor. We track how the website ranks for targeted keywords, the flow of traffic and other indicators. We use this data to optimize campaigns and deliver result.
Keyword Research
Keyword research helps to identify the best keywords and phrases for your website so that you can optimize your content accordingly. It involves researching what people are actively searching for online, and understanding which terms they’re likely to use when looking for information related to your business or industry. The goal of keyword research is to identify the search terms that have a high amount of monthly searches and low competition from other websites in search engine results pages (SERPs). By targeting these keywords in SEO campaigns, marketers can increase their chances of ranking higher on SERPs and getting more organic traffic from users who are actively seeking out the products or services they offer. Additionally, it provides insights into the interests of your audience.
On-Page Optimization
On-page optimization improves web page elements to make them more visible and relevant to both search engine crawlers and users. This includes optimizing titles and meta descriptions, adding keywords throughout your content, creating internal links between pages on your site, setting up redirects when you change URLs, using alt text for images and videos, removing duplicate content from your site, using schema markup where applicable, ensuring that each page has a clear purpose or (CTA), and many other best practices. Through these steps, you can ensure that all webpages are optimized for keyword searches to rank higher in (SERPs). Additionally, by providing a better user experience with quick loading times and easy navigation you can improve the user engagement of your website.
Local SEO
Local SEO focuses on optimizing a website to be found in local search results. It’s crucial to make sure your business can be easily located by potential customers and clients who are looking to buy the products or services you offer. Several key elements need to be considered when creating a successful local SEO strategy. First, keyword research needs to be done so you can identify which terms and phrases people use in their searches related to the type of business you run. By including these keywords on your web pages, people will more likely to find your site when they do a local search using them. Additionally, having location-specific content like maps, addresses, and contact information also helps with local ranking signals from Google.
Analytics Tracking
Analytics tracking refers to the process of collecting, measuring, and analyzing data related to website visitors. This can include details such as their location, device used, time spent on a page, and any actions taken while on your site. Tracking this information helps you gain valuable insights into who is visiting your website, what they are looking for, and how effective your web pages are at delivering that content. By understanding this data, you can make informed decisions about where to focus efforts when it comes to marketing or product development. Analytics tracking also serves as an important tool in helping businesses maximize conversions from their online presence. Call us or visit our website today for more information on how we can help you.

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Our Areas Of Google Ads Management Include:
Google Ads
We know how to create Google Ads that engages and inspires the right audience and leads them through a buyer’s journey that gives each side their desired results
Keyword Monitoring
After understanding your business our Marketing Cartel Pay-Per-Click specialists dive in to find the best keywords that works within your budget and return maximum benefit.
Ads Cost Management
If you have need a PPC campaign created or already have one running that needs to be tweaked to produce results our Pay-Per-Click exdpert can help you.
Conversion Tracking
We look at every step of the buyer’s journey from the very first time they see your ad to them filling out a form or purchasing your product- we track and analyze everything.
Google Ads That Drive Leads
Google Ads is a powerful PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising platform designed to help businesses reach potential customers through targeted campaigns. It enables you to create ads that show up in search results, websites, and mobile applications. With Google Ads, you can easily target your ideal audience by geography, language, interests, or other categories. You can also choose how much money you want to spend on certain keywords and track the results of your campaigns with detailed reports. Furthermore, Google Ads allows businesses to be creative with their messaging while still reaching relevant prospects quickly and efficiently. Our agency specializes in helping businesses maximize the power of Google Ads to ensure that they are getting the best return on their investment, Call us!
Keyword Research And Monitoring
Keyword monitoring is an important tool that can help businesses stay ahead of the competition. With keyword monitoring, businesses can easily identify which keywords are being used in their industry and track how they are performing online. This allows them to adjust their strategies accordingly, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in search engine results pages (SERPs). It also helps businesses measure the effectiveness of their SEO efforts by providing insights into keyword performance over time. Additionally, it gives companies a better understanding of what customers are searching for when they use specific keywords to create content that meets customer needs more effectively. The Marketing Cartel experts can help you implement a comprehensive keyword monitoring strategy to keep you ahead of the competition.
Audits & Google Ads Cost Management
Ads Cost Management is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It helps you to save money and time by managing advertising costs efficiently and effectively. With Ads Cost Management, you can control how much you spend on advertising campaigns, track your budget in real time, analyze where you are spending most of your money, and make smarter decisions about which ads will bring the best ROI. You can also use it to manage multiple ad accounts simultaneously while keeping tabs on performance metrics such as cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), impressions, clicks, conversions, and more. Furthermore, Ads Cost Management allows users to monitor changes in their campaigns over time to ensure that they are achieving their desired results.
Conversion Tracking
Conversion tracking helps you measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. With conversion tracking, you can see which campaigns are bringing in customers and leads and make adjustments to improve them. It also allows you to track ROI (return on investment) so that you know whether or not a campaign is worth the cost. Conversion tracking data can help inform decisions about budget allocation, ad placement, and even product development. By understanding how users interact with your website or app after they click an ad, you’ll have valuable insights into what works best for your audience – helping you make better decisions about optimizing campaigns for success. With conversion tracking, you can measure the success of your campaigns and make adjustments for maximum performance.

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Social Media Marketing
Our Areas Of Social Media Marketing Include:
Social Media Marketing
Cultivate an engaged audience of targeted followers by expanding your online presence, reach customers, and ultimately, generate leads.
Social Media Strategy
Implement an effective social media marketing strategy using Facebook, Twitter and other platforms to create a genuine social network for your business.
Social Media Management
Stay on top of conversations online, improve social media engagement on all platforms, leverage relationships with relevant followers etc.
Social Media Analysis
Monitor and measure social media efforts through many of the paid and free resources available, and adjust social strategy as appropriate.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is a process of creating content, managing campaigns, and engaging with customers to increase brand awareness and generate leads. It involves the use of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn for promotional purposes. Social media marketing can be used to drive traffic to websites or build relationships with potential customers. It also provides an opportunity to engage in conversations with current customers about their experiences or thoughts on products or services. Additionally, it can help businesses gain insights into customer behavior which may assist them in making better decisions when it comes to product development or pricing strategies. Ultimately, social media marketing provides an invaluable platform to reach and engage with customers.
Social Media Strategy
A social media strategy is an overarching plan that helps businesses better engage with their target audience through the use of different social media platforms. It outlines the specific steps and activities necessary to achieve a desired outcome, such as increasing brand awareness or driving more website traffic. By creating a well-defined strategy, organizations can ensure that each post or campaign aligns with their overall goals and objectives. When developing your own social media strategy, there are several key elements to consider. First, it’s important to define who you are trying to reach with your message and what platforms will be most effective for reaching this audience. Consider where your target demographic spends time online so you can tailor content accordingly
Social Media Management
With social media management, businesses can build relationships with their customers and create brand loyalty. They can showcase new products, services, and promotions to reach more potential customers with the help of targeted ads. Additionally, they can monitor trends in their industry, gain insights into customer behavior and use this information to constantly improve the business’s performance. Social media also gives companies a platform for engaging with current customers through contests or special offers as well as providing excellent customer service opportunities by responding promptly to complaints or inquiries. In addition to helping businesses stay ahead of the competition, managing social accounts allows them to track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions so that they can measure their ROI (return on investment).
Social Media Analysis
Social media analysis is an invaluable tool for businesses and organizations looking to understand their audience and the behavior that drives them. It can help identify trends, opportunities, and key insights into how people think and interact with content on various social networks. By understanding these patterns, companies can create more effective campaigns or strategies that are better tailored to their target audiences. Social media analytics also enables brands to make smarter decisions by providing actionable data points such as user engagement levels or sentiment scores across different platforms. Our experts can help you take the guesswork out of social media analytics and provide actionable insights that can be used to improve your campaigns, products, services, or strategies. Contact us today!

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