The Marketing Cartel - Your Digital Marketing Agency


We Provide Custom Healthcare SEO Services To Take Your Business To The Next Level

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#1 Rated Healthcare SEO company providing a full range of digital Marketing solutions to help businesses improve online visibility.

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Increased Conversion Rate
Increased Traffic
Increased Revenue

Healthcare SEO Services with Proven ROI by The Marketing Cartel Inc.

healthcare seo companyA Healthcare SEO company will allow your organization to appear on the search engines for relevant search queries. Taking market share away from your competition is a great way to increase the revenue your healthcare organization brings in.

With healthcare reform maturing, it is now more important than ever to obtain maximum market share.

So how is it done?

First, you must determine how aggressive your healthcare SEO services should be. This will set the foundation of your campaign. This is accomplished by a consultative approach.

How many services and/or healthcare products are you trying to promote? What area are you trying to promote these healthcare services and/or products in? How aggressive is your competition?

After identifying your top competitor, our team is able to see exactly what they have done to achieve their success. Our team can then formulate a custom-tailored turn-key healthcare SEO service program to help you overtake them.

The Marketing Cartel Inc. - A Different Healthcare SEO Company

The Marketing Cartel Inc. is a fast-growing company that stands out from the crowd of SEO companies for healthcare organizations. So how is this so?

  • Our Accomplishments - Our core members are well-respected authors on the most popular websites about internet marketing, SEO, & PPC. Furthermore, The Marketing Cartel Inc. is a Google partner. Our team has been nominated for the best PPC campaign of the year by the US shortlisted us search awards No Risk SEOSearch Awards 2014 in association with Pubcon.
  • Our Results - View over 20+ recent case studies in various industries. Our methodologies have been proven on over 150+ different projects in various industries. Our team publicly shows our results while others dodge the question.
  • Transparency - You will not receive a quote that some salesperson "just made up". Here, you get a detailed excel spreadsheet showing exactly what you get each and every month. There is no magic sauce. It's hard work. Its knowledge being put to use allows our clients to see great results. The Marketing Cartel Inc. has no need to lock you into a contract. Everything is month to month because we set expectations properly & know with certainty you will be pleased with the results.

Simply put, our team is comprised of healthcare internet marketing experts with stellar accomplishments and results. Get a free consultation by calling us at 1-866-374-7945

Step by Step SEO for Healthcare Companies

After your healthcare SEO consultant answers your questions, the healthcare SEO campaign will begin. First, we make sure that your website is able to track all conversions. Both phone calls and form submissions. This allows us to not only gauge the number of traffic increases but also conversions.

Our team conducts advanced on-page optimization, ensuring everything from Page Load speed to content with LSI keywords being present in your copy. This is a very comprehensive part of the program that our team wastes no time implementing. After on-page implementation, you will be speaking with your blogger who is assigned to your account. This allows them to learn your business and anything new that they may write about. Optimized blog posts are a sure way to help you overtake your competition when perfectly optimized.

Your link earning campaign will then be underway. Using social media, good ol' fashion picking up the phone to get guest blog opportunities, creating compelling content, and other quality off-page SEO techniques will allow your perfectly optimized pages to begin increasing in rank. Over the next several months, our team analyzes your website's data very carefully and makes modifications accordingly. These modifications might be to a call to action, moving a form, etc. Practicing conversion rate optimization is important to us as we know the value it provides is tremendous.

Each month you are provided numerous reports, custom-tailored to your needs. Many of our clients do not care about rankings, they care about conversions. If conversions are increasing month after month, that is a byproduct of traffic. Conversions rule around here as this is what makes campaigns profitable. Any report you can imagine, we can create.

Should Your Healthcare SEO Company Be Using PPC or SEO For Your Site?

When you look to boost your search rankings, you have two choices with any healthcare SEO company: PPC and SEO. In short, they are pay-per-click or search engine optimization, both of which have their applications and have been used successfully to drive traffic. Pay per click is exactly what it sounds like. You pay every time someone clicks on your site. However, SEO takes time to build up, and some can become impatient.

With PPC, you can purchase services via Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, or through various other options. They show your site as one of those top advertisements on each page, and those who use it are continuously bidding on certain keywords. Depending on how competitive your keywords are, your charges can be higher. But it’s up to you to decide if that’s going to pay off.

On the other hand, while SEO services aren’t free, the clicks from SEO technically are. You can achieve your rankings in the natural search results. If you follow Google’s rules, you could even establish yourself as an authority in the field.

The question is which one is better? It depends on your site and your budget. If you are just starting out, it’s much different than if you’ve been around and online for 20 years. Here are a few basic things to consider before you choose between the two.

What Kind of Budget Is Your Healthcare SEO Company Working Off Of?

If you have to have your healthcare SEO company choose between the two, you may want to consider your budget. Of course, the idea is to have your reputation built up in SEO so that you don’t have to use PPC (or you can if you want to). But if you have a low daily spending limit, chances are you can’t afford to pay the fees for every click that comes to your site.

If you don’t have the extra money for PPC, you will need to stick with free SEO methods and choosing a company that also offers you affordable options. It may take time to build up, but if you don’t have the capital to start with, you don’t necessarily have the same choices.

How Established Is The Site Your Healthcare SEO Company Is Working With?

Do you have a brand new website? Have you had it for a while, but never actually done any SEO work? These are two situations in which you have no reputation to go off of, and even if you have a limited budget, you may want to invest in some PPC.

You can get your site up in the search engines, and you don’t have to wait until you have built up your free reputation. This may be a long-term technique, but with a healthcare company especially, you do need to build up your reputation as an authority to really get the traffic. But until you can build up that reputation, PPC can give you a leg up in the business.

Do You Want Long-Term Notoriety and a Healthcare SEO Company That Will Establish a Reputation For You?

If you want a long-term reputation, and especially if you can’t afford to keep paying those PPC fees, you need a healthcare SEO company that will create great SEO. They will need to follow the rules, build up your site’s history, and otherwise get you off depending on PPC for everything.

Especially in an industry such as healthcare, people are looking for information they can depend on. With proper SEO techniques, you can create a reputation with Google as well as better conversion with great content that gives your readers what they want. You need to be ready to keep up with the algorithm changes, which requires quite a bit of knowledge specifically of Google, but when done right, many find that it is worth it.

The value of SEO varies between markets. Every market can benefit in different ways. A lot of the numbers depend on what kind of authority you need to have though and what kind of long-term goals you are looking to set.

How Competitive Are The Keywords That Your SEO Company Wants To Use?

Florida SEO and PPC CompanyRegular Google algorithm updates can be scary, especially for a healthcare SEO company that is on shaky ground or a healthcare company that has heard all the myths about SEO. Sometimes, you just need that extra assurance. When you have keywords that are commonly used and are high in demand, you may want to take that extra step to make sure that you are getting more exposure.

With some markets, the idea is to get onto the first page or the top spot. But with so many sites out there, there is no way for every site to make it. So especially with ever adjusting algorithms, sometimes it is nice to have a budget for PPC just to have that extra bit of assurance.

In some industries, including certain healthcare topics, you will also find that the searches can be dominated by certain authorities such as WebMD for example, making it difficult for you to really get a leg up. This does not mean that you should give up on SEO. It just means that you should consider the benefits of PPC to supplement it.

Healthcare Internet Marketing Services that Simply Work.

Without being overly technical, our team goes above and beyond on every project. The same exact methodologies we use on our own company website will be used on yours. You probably found us by doing a search on Google for a healthcare SEO company, that should say a lot about our talent.

Call us today for a free consultation: (754) 229-3342

Want to discuss your project? 866.374.7945

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