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Florida Web Design

Florida Web Design Company – Marketingcartel.com

Choosing a Florida web design company is an extremely important decision. Have you looked at your website lately and thought that it could really use a face-lift? Are you worried about the cost involved with hiring a Florida web design firm to revamp it?

While that is definitely a legitimate consideration, the more important question is this: how much is it costing you NOT having a site that is up-to-date?

How your website looks to visitors is every bit as important as the condition of your store or office if you were running a traditional business. For this reason, you need to regularly assess the effectiveness of your site and make some decisions about how you are going to let it represent you and your business.

Important Considerations when
Choosing a Florida Web Design Company

Here are four things that every business person should consider when it comes to his online presence.

1. What do visitors think about your site?

If you aren’t soliciting and even ENCOURAGING feedback from your visitors you cannot know how the site is being perceived. The right first impression coupled with ease and efficiency of use is a recipe for success and people will be honest if they do not feel you are providing those things.

Start by making sure you are openly and directly asking for people’s opinions. Make it easy for them to interact with you. Make the link pop up or just make it pop. Make sure it’s visible. Don’t know how to do that? Ask your trusted Florida website design company for help. It’s a simple update that can really help you improve the customer experience.

web design and mobile application design process concept with designer and developer team collaboration working concept

Want to discuss your project? (754) 229-3342

We Make Your Life Beter

How Your Website Is Performing?



SEO Made Your Life Simple A Better SEO Means Better User Experience

We provide marketing services to startups and small businesses looking for a partner for their digital media. We work with you, not for you. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla vel, non sed arcu integer, mauris ullamcorper ante ut non torquent.

Do You Want
More SEO Traffic?

Our team of experts can optimize your website for search engine. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elitphasellus lorem.

3. Is Your Site Responsive Across Platforms?

The use of tablets and smartphones is on the rise. Nearly 15 percent of all global web traffic today comes from mobile devices and if your site is not optimized for these platforms you will definitely lose business.

Can you afford to lose 15 percent of your sales because your website is outdated?

If your site does not have a responsive design – displaying properly on any mobile device — it is absolutely imperative that you hire someone to fix that. Right now it’s just 15 percent.  Those numbers will be going up over the next few years.

4. How does your site rank in search results?

Many business owners do not understand that good site rankings have everything to do with good web design. Florida businesses will always see better results when their sites rank well on the major search engines and that is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in.

Good Florida web designers understand the importance of SEO and can help make sure that your site not only looks great but that it also gets seen by displaying on the first or second page of an Internet search. With the major search engines – Google, Yahoo!, and Bing – strongly competing with each other to provide quality search results, formulas for excellent SEO results are constantly changing. A site even a year old probably is not configured the way it should be to send the right information for SEO purposes.

If you understand how important these things are to your business, the value of re-assessing your site periodically and investing in the proper changes should be clear. You’ll be glad to know we are also a Florida SEO company with top rankings, references, and show our proven results.

Make sure your customers can find you, that your site conforms to their preferred way of surfing the web, that it is relevant and up to date, and that you are listening to what your visitors have to say about it. The result will be a great recipe for success!

Choose the professional Florida web design company & get expert feedback about your website by calling: 1.(754) 229-3342

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