There are many different types of Google Adwords campaigns and each campaign can be beneficial for various advertising strategies. Here are the 6 most popular Adwords campaigns and a brief definition of each. We will also highlight which campaign works best for the most common advertising goals for business owners.

Display Campaigns – On other websites in the Google Display Network, your banner ad or text ad can be displayed in various positions to get clicks back to your site.

Search Campaigns – When someone types in keywords or phrases in a Google search query or other relative search engines approved by Google, your text ad can appear before the organic SEO links.

YouTube Campaigns – There are 3 different types of YouTube campaigns. You can display a short video of your product or service either before another video, a recommended video link to the side of the video currently playing or highlighted at the top of the page when someone is searching for a specific type of video.

Shopping Campaigns – Display a picture of your product with a short description at the top of a Google search query when someone types in relative terms that relate to your product.

Call Only Campaigns – Primarily target mobile devices that can make phone calls and usually only pay for clicks when someone makes a call directly to your business from the ad.

Remarketing Campaigns – After placing a unique tracking code on your website, you can re-engage with individuals who visited your site up to 180 days later by displaying banner ads or text ads that follow those people around the internet.

Here are the most common advertising goals of businesses and the Google Adwords campaigns that generally perform best for each.

  1. 1.       Brand Awareness and Exposure: YouTube Campaigns or Display Campaigns

YouTube campaigns and Display Campaigns generally create a lot of exposure and impressions of your product or service and usually cost less per click in relation to Search Campaigns, Call Only Campaigns or Shopping Campaigns. YouTube and Display Campaigns do not generally convert as well as these other campaigns but they are great to get the word out about your business and reach the most people for your advertising budget.

  1. 2.       Generate Immediate Sales: Shopping Campaigns or Call Only Campaigns

If you sell physical products, the most effective campaign to sell the most of your products is usually a Google Shopping Campaign. People are proactively looking for your product in Search Engines and by displaying a picture alongside a description; you can build credibility and engage users to make a buying decision. Call Only Campaigns can generate immediate sales efficeintly for service based businesses because they can connect potential customers who are looking for their service at that same exact moment. Phone calls convert at a higher rate than form inquiries and most business owners feel they can set an appointment or close a deal more often if they walk them through the sales cycle themselves.

  1. 3.       Brand Loyalty and Repeat Business: Remarketing Campaigns

We recommend all businesses to input a remarketing code in the header and/or specific category pages of their website. Whether or not you start a Google Remarketing Campaign right away or later in the future, it is still wise to collect a list of individuals who have displayed enough interest to at least visit your website. Once you have at least 100 people who have visited your website after placing your remarketing code, you can begin to reengage with these individuals by displaying text or banner ads that follow these relevant people around the internet. This is a great way to gain brand loyalty and repeat business because you can promote specific messages, specials or news to those who already know you exist. A repeat customer is the absolute best form of advertising available because not only have you gained their trust to purchase again but they also give you free advertising by promoting your business to friends and family.

These are just basic explanations and benefits of the various types of Google Adwords campaigns and we would be more than happy to explain these in more detail to determine which strategy is right for you! Please call me anytime at (754) 229-3343 for a free, no obligation consultation, or visit our website at to learn more.

Our success is our clients’ success and we offer full service solutions including expert web design, guaranteed SEO rankings and remarkable pay per click optimization to get you the best results advertising online.