Miami SEO Marketing

Miami SEO Marketing – What Works?

Business owners seeking information on Miami SEO marketing must be wondering, “Does it Work?”

With so many differerent opinions, media outlets throwing out numbers about social media, direct mail companies saying people love getting mail, yellow pages solicitations,  how do you know who to trust?

The goal of this blog post it to provide an unbiased approach as to what Miami SEO marketing techniques work in 2013. Business has evolved greatly, just ask anyone who use to advertise in the yellow pages 20 years ago, and ask them if the response is the same. Chances are it is not.

Marketing in Miami, FL has Changed Significantly

With the vast majority of the population now using computers, it should be no surprise that a recent study revealed that over 91% of adults utilize the internet to find information. Keeping this study in mind, it behooves me that more businesses are not properly utilizing the exposure that major search engines can offer.

Let’s put this into perspective. You will see a primary element that is common among all marketing methods vs. Miami SEO marketing.

Miami SEO Marketing vs TV Ads

TV ads are a great way to get vast exposure, quickly. However, how targeted are these ads? After all, you can profile a specific demographic based on the actual channel, so this should be a great advertisement, right? Wrong. For instance, homeowners may watch HGTV, so logic would say if you sell A/C units you would want to advertise on this channel as a homeowner is more likely to buy than a renter.

The most vital factor of this scenario is this – How many people are actually in the market for a new AC unit or AC serviving? You see, the impressions are wasted as only a handful of the total exposure is seeking AC units/AC servicing at that given time. 

Miami SEO Marketing is great for one simple reason. If someone types into Google – AC units for sale in Miami, chances are extremely strong this is someone in the market, right now, for an AC unit. So if this keyword gets 1,000 searches per month, if you could get 200 of those searchers to your website, it is far more valuable.

The Verdict? Miami SEO Marketing defeats TV Ads.

How is Miami SEO Marketing Done?

You must remember, Google’s primary job is to give the user the best possible experience and it will reward websites that go out of their way to make this happen. Google frequently makes modifications to its algorithm, so the techniques that were used in 2010 are different than the SEO in 2013.

In order to properly satisfy the ever changing algorithm of Google, it is critical to keep a fresh and updated website. Full of content that is not only informative, but useful, and enjoyable to read. Content that would persuade you to take a few moments to share with your friends. is a Miami SEO marketing company that utilizes industry leading tactics & techniques that are safe post penguin (a major algorithm change). Our Miami SEO marketing strategy is typically custom created for each and every client. While we have a general blueprint based off the numerous successful SEO campaign results, no two companies are alike. If you sell products, your SEO marketing strategy will be different than if you need to generate leads because you are a service based company.

The specifics are quite simple. Our Miami SEO marketing strategy comprises of mainly high quality content creation. After Google’s two major algorithm updates and frequent adjustments of these algorithms, it is safe to say useful content will never get your website penalized.

Constantly updating of your website with high quality content is critical. No one likes looking at a stale website and potential visitors may have a bad first impression which is never a good thing. Furthermore, obtaining natural backlinks is critical. Our team of Miami SEO marketing experts utilize propietary whitehat link building methods which have proven to be effective even after the major updates by Google.

Is Miami SEO Marketing Expensive?

This is a very common question we receive and it all depends. Are you in a non-competitive industry or an extremely competitive industry? Such as mortgages, insurance, investments, etc?

Are you just trying to obtain new customers from Miami, FL or are you trying to attract consumers on the tri-county level or even nationally?

A general rule of thumb is, if your competing in a highly competitive industry, we will need to outwork your competitors doing an analysis on what your competitors have done and are doing is critical as this will determine the amount of content we must create. Additionally, it will give us an idea on how aggressive we must be with our high quality, authoritative link building.

Those two simple questions play an extremely large role in the pricing of your Miami SEO marketing program. Give us a call and we’ll identify how competitive your industry is and give you a free website visibility analysis.