It’s no secret that SEO and Content go hand-in-hand. After all, without SEO your content may be lost somewhere on page 50 of the search results; and we all know traffic on those pages is less than satisfactory. Likewise, your first-page ranking can only do so much if your content post-click is crummy. That’s why a good relationship between SEO and great content is essential! Short-form and long-form content: Which is better for SEO?
Short-Form Content

Short-form content is typically defined as content that is shorter in length than traditional long-form content. This can include things like blog posts, articles, social media posts, and even some email marketing content.
Long-Form Content
Long-form content is defined as any piece of writing that is longer than the average blog post or article. This could include anything from in-depth guides and tutorials to long-form interviews and case studies.
Should I Write Short-Form Or long-Form Content?
First, think about your audience. Who are they and what do they want? If you’re targeting a general audience, short-form content may be the way to go. However, if you’re targeting a specific group of people with more specific interests, long-form content may be a better option.
Second, think about your goals. What do you hope to achieve with your content? If you want to drive traffic to your site or generate leads, short-form content may be more effective. But if you want to establish yourself as an expert in your field or create brand loyalty, long-form content may be a better option.
- Look at what’s ranking:
It’s important to keep an eye on what’s Ranking on Search Engines. This will give you insights into what people are searching for and how you can improve your content to rank higher. Additionally, you can use this information to improve your SEO strategy.
To see what’s ranking, simply do a search on Google or another search engine. Then, take a look at the results that come up. Pay attention to both the organic results and the paid results.
- Pick a content format
When it comes to content marketing, there are a lot of different formats you can choose from. It can be overwhelming trying to decide which one is right for your business. To help you out, here are some of the most popular content formats to look out for:

-Blog posts
-Case studies
- Create a search-focused outline
Creating a search-focused outline can help you gather information more efficiently and effectively. By using search engines, you can quickly locate high-quality resources on any topic. Once you have gathered information from a variety of sources, you can then begin to compile an outline that is specifically tailored to your research needs. Doing so will allow you to stay focused while gathering data and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the task at hand.
- Start Writing
Freewrite – Freewriting is a great way to start writing without having to worry about the structure of your piece. Just let the words flow and see where they take you. You may be surprised at what you come up with!
Remember, freewriting doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s just a way to get started. So don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense or if there are mistakes. The important thing is to keep writing.
Use the Pomodoro technique – The Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy that can help you be more productive when writing. It involves breaking your work down into 25-minute intervals, with five-minute breaks in between. During the 25 minutes, you focus exclusively on writing and avoid distractions. The five-minute break allows you to take a quick break and then get back to work. You can use the Pomodoro technique for any task, but it is especially useful for writing because it helps you stay focused and avoid procrastination.
Use a distraction-free writing tool – When you’re trying to focus on writing, it can be helpful to use a distraction-free writing tool. These tools strip away everything except for the writing space, so you can focus on your words.
Trim the fluff – If you want to improve your writing, one of the best things you can do is cut out the fluff. Fluff is any word or phrase that doesn’t contribute to the meaning of your sentence. It’s “filler” content that adds nothing of value.
Write Multiple Posts Targeting Multiple Intents

The first step is to identify the different intentions that you want to target. There are some ways to do this, and the best way depends on your business and website. You can use Google Search Console to find out what keywords people are using to find your website, or you can use tools like SEMrush to find out what keywords people are searching for online.
Approach Competitive Keywords Differently
When you are targeting a highly competitive keyword, it’s important to approach the process differently than when targeting less competitive keywords. Here are a few tips:
-Start by doing your research and identifying all of the different ways you can rank for the keyword. This will help you develop a strategy that targets multiple areas simultaneously.
-Make sure your website is fully optimized for the keyword, including both on-page and Off-Page SEO elements.
-Create valuable content that provides real value to users, and make sure it is well promoted across social media and other channels.
-Focus on Building Links from high-quality websites.
In the end, it all comes down to what you are looking to achieve with your Website content. If you want to generate leads or sales, long-form content is probably the way to go. If you are looking for more engagement and informative content, however, short-form may be the better option. No matter which route you choose, make sure that you are producing high-quality content that will meet the needs of your Target Audience. Contact us today for more information.