3 Ways Increase Conversion Rates on eCommerce Websites

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Ways to Increase Conversion Rates on eCommerce Sites

ecommerce seo conversion funnelAs the graphic shows, many people have an ample amount of visitors and wish to find simple ways to increase conversion rates on eCommerce sites.

After a successful eCommerce website design & eCommerce SEO campaign have been complete, you may be scratching your head wondering where all the sales are at!

Spending a hefty amount of time and/or resources on is a great way to have self qualified buyers get in front of your products.

In this blog post, I will share with you some simple ways that you can increase conversion rates on your eCommerce site.

First, in order to safely set a baseline… conversion rates on eCommerce website should be around 1% to 4%. The actual number will depend on various factors such as price of goods, availability of goods, supply and demand of goods, price of goods, website design, quality of traffic, and more.

If your website is currently performing under 1-1.5% and your not selling a high ticket item, chances are you need assistance with eCommerce conversion rate optimization.

Tip #1 – Increasing Conversions on eCommerce with Free Shipping!!

A study conducted in 2010 has shown that more than 90% of shoppers would buy more products if shipping was free. Simply put, a logical explanation would say that online shoppers would like free shipping. You must give your customers what they want.

Even if you break even on the free shipping by slightly raising your prices, the free shipping is surely to pay off with more orders and a higher quantity of products being ordered per visitor.

Tip #2 – Trust Symbols & More Trust Symbols to Increase Conversions on eCommerce Sites!

Would you order from a website that had 0 trust symbols? Not listed with the BBB? Site does not have security (SSL encryption, security logos)? No best price guarantee? No free shipping? No customer satisfaction guaranteed?

If your competitors are highlighting these special offers and you are omitting this, your competitor has the upper edge.

It makes financial sense to invest in these services such as SSL encryption, security services, BBB, etc. It will make your eCommerce website appear to be a larger organization and one that is safe to shop with. Safety is a large concern in this day and age with identify theft growing year by year.

Tip #3 – High Resolution Images with Consistency will Increase Your eCommerce Conversion Rates!

Have you ever visited a website that has a shopping cart with low quality images? Immediate turn-off and can make the most beautiful website appear cheap.

Your visitors may consider your quality of products to be the same as the image, which is never a good thing. Furthermore, I’ve seen some websites that have different backgrounds for the same exact products.

Consistency is key to a design that makes a user feel like your operation is running smooth, not like it was thrown together like a last minute high school project.

Invest in a photographer to take professional high quality photographs with the same background. For instance, if your selling belts online, the belts should generally be in the same pose when the photos are being taken.

Have Your Ideal Prospects Give Feedback on your eCommerce Website

There are many companies out there that will allow you to identify your exact demographic of a client to income, age, sex, etc. For less than $50.00 you can have a couple of people that are your “ideal customers” surf your website.

Furthermore, you can have them answer a specific set of questions that you create. So maybe you would ask them to navigate to this page. Or after finding PRODUCT X, would you make a purchase, why or why not? What is the website missing in your opinion?

After all, we all have different opinions on design but like I tell everyone its not what I think that matters, its what your customers think that matters when it comes to purchasing products on eCommerce websites!

I hope these simple tips can help give you a great start if your goal is to increase conversion rates on eCommerce websites.

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