7 SEO Metrics That Actually Matter

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SEO Metrics

SEO metrics can be overwhelming and confusing. But when you start with the basics, it’s easy to understand what matters most in your process of ranking higher on search engines like Google for targeted keywords.

In order to succeed as a business or agency these days, you need an online presence. It is not enough to just have your website anymore; it has become necessary for businesses and agencies of all sizes to be engaged in social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. One area that should never be overlooked when building up this online reputation is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Make sure the site architecture and content structure makes sense from an SEO perspective.

Organic Traffic

SEO Metrics Google Analytics

Organic traffic is website traffic that comes from non-paid sources, such as search engines. These are referred to as “organic” clicks. It can be generated through a variety of methods including pay-per click (PPC) advertising with Google AdWords or Bing Ads, social media marketing, email lists and organic search engine optimization (SEO).

It’s important for marketers to understand the difference between paid and organic forms of promotion because each type has different costs associated with it. Paid campaigns have set daily spending limits per campaign, while SEO implementations take time before they begin driving results in terms of increased revenue. Additionally, paid campaigns are more likely than organic ones to result in ad blindness among users who see the same ads repeatedly.

There are many benefits of getting organic traffic such as better quality leads, higher conversion rate and increased sales volume. Also there’s no risk involved with a Google Adwords campaign. If the visitor won’t click on an ad then the advertiser will not be charged but still he’ll lose his valuable time so it’s better to use organic traffic.

Keyword Rankings
Keyword Rankings are an important metric of SEO. Search engines use keywords to determine what your page is about and rank it accordingly. By optimizing for the right keywords, you can increase traffic from search engines. This will lead to more conversions which means more money!

A keyword can be any word or phrase that someone types into a search engine. For example, if you were looking for information about “keyword rankings” and you typed this into Google, the first result would be our blog post on Keyword Rankings. They enable you to see how your webpage ranks for specific keywords. If a webpage is ranking on the first page of Google, it has good keyword rankings and can be seen as an authoritative website in those search results.

The higher ranked your site appears in organic search engine result pages (SERPs) for relevant searches, the more visitors it will receive from those SERPS. Ranking highly depends upon many factors including user experience (how fast sites load), relevance of content to searcher’s query intent, popularity/authority of websites linking back to yours etc…

Key SEO Metrics

Search Visibility
Search visibility is the number of times a search term appears on your website. Search engines use this data to determine how much you should rank for that keyword or phrase, as well as other related keywords and phrases. Keyword research can help you find popular terms people are typing into Google when they want to visit websites like yours.

Traffic Value
Traffic Value is the total value of visitors to your website over a given time period. It can be expressed in different ways depending on what you are trying to achieve, but it’s usually calculated by multiplying Google Analytics traffic data with conversion rate or revenue per visitor. Some examples include: The amount of times someone opens up your site on different devices before leaving for good (Google Analytics), how many people have actually signed up after visiting your blog post (Mailchimp) etc…

SEO Metrics Platforms

Organic Traffic Conversions
Organic traffic conversions is the number of leads and sales generated through organic search engines. This can be measured by tracking conversion rates, average order value etc. among others metrics to determine how well your overall marketing efforts are performing as a whole.

When you’re looking to build an effective marketing strategy or improve your current one, organic traffic is a great way to go. Organic search engine optimization (SEO) helps drive qualified visitors directly from the top-ranked pages on Google and other online sources, without having to pay for each click. When managed correctly, SEO can be a valuable source of conversions that often come at no cost!

One of the biggest advantages to using organic traffic is that it doesn’t cost you anything. Conversion rates are often much higher when people come from Google or other search engines because they have been specifically looking for your business, product, etc.. This makes them more likely to convert and buy. The average conversion rate in a retail store is less than three percent while online conversions range between ten and twenty five percent depending on what industry you are in. If someone has already searched for what you offer then their chances of actually converting goes up significantly.

On Page SEO Metrics

Referring Domains
There are two types of referring domains. The first is the type that you probably already know about and it’s called an “organic” or “unpaid” referrer. This means a user did not click on a link to get to your website, rather they typed in the URL directly into their browser search bar (or clicked from another webpage). The second type of referral domain isn’t as widely known but can be very important if you want to get targeted visitors for free! If someone has commented on one of your blog posts then linked back out to their own website this will register as a channel called Direct / Referral. This is valuable information because it means you have a new potential partner/customer on your hands ready to be nurtured!

Referring domains have advantages such as:

-They rank on Google, Bing and Yahoo.

-Great for building a quality backlink profile with the right anchor text.

Indexed Pages

Indexed Pages have a good place in the ranking algorithm of Google. In simple words, indexed pages are those which can be found easily by search engines. It is possible to go over this limit and then you will see that your site starts experiencing problems with its placement on SERPs. In order for your website to have more chances at being ranked high it has to show up as much as possible in different places where there might be an opportunity for people looking for specific information about what you offer or who you are (i.e., not just on page one of google).

The number of indexed pages for a domain is important and you should monitor it. If there are too many indexed pages, your site could be penalized by Google. Use mobile friendly themes with responsive designs instead of separate ones if possible. This will make indexing easier for search engines like Google which now prioritize sites on their mobile apps over desktop searches.

We provide you with services that will help you with, not only lead generation, but also increasing your traffic and generating tremendous amounts of targeted leads. We do this by using our extensive knowledge of SEO techniques to increase web page rank which then helps your website gain more organic search results organically. Our marketing services have helped many companies succeed in the past few years where they were unable to accomplish their goals before working with us. When the time comes for you or your business to use these proven methods as well, please give us a call at (754) 229-3342

Reference and Resources:

indexed pages

Referring domains

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