9 New Ways to Promote Your Content This New Year

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Posting quality content that people want to read is one of the best ways to boost your SEO. However, static content on your page might not do much if you don’t already have a pretty regular traffic flow. Promoting your content on other websites and outlets will help direct people back to your site and improve your SEO and overall traffic, you just have to know where to look.

If you’re looking to get more advanced with your online marketing this year, finding new ways to promote your content can help you reach new audiences and get more creative with content. Check out some of your other options below.


Medium is a website focused on sharing and discussing various kinds of content. You can join as someone who just wants to read pieces, as someone who wants to post a lot, or some combination of the two.

The structure of Medium encourages dialogue among users, and also allows for a tailored experience. This means the people who read the content you post are going to be specifically interested in that topic. That increases the likelihood of people engaging with you and others who comment. The more interaction your post gets, the more likely your piece is to appear on the “Top Stories” page, promising even more interaction.



Because you can select what topics you want to read on, you can also read what competitors or thought leaders in the same field are posting about. This may give you ideas for future pieces, or open the door for collaboration.


Similar to Medium, Examiner allows people to post and read based on their interests and preferred topics. It is a bit more of an exclusive experience, because posters are required to apply and be approved before posting content.



This level of exclusivity may help users look at your content as more professional, having gone through some checks and balances.


Quora is a social media site where people can ask questions and have them answered by experts. You can add content to your Quora profile, but one of the best ways to share content on the site is by responding to questions.



Browse the site for questions relevant to your expertise. Then, in your answer you can provide some of your original content and may even link to your website.


Slideshare is a great option if you are able to repurpose your content in conjunction with images, graphics and other visuals. Think of it as a way to post presentations or decks to a large audience. People interested in the topic can view on the site or download for personal use.

What you add to your slides is up to you, so self-promotion is key. Insert many links back to your website and other relevant pieces of content you have written.



Visuals are a great way to keep people interested, so if you can include stock photos, original photos or some sort of infographic, you increase the chances that people will view, enjoy and share your piece.


Triberr is a great platform to share blog posts. It is frequented by all kinds of bloggers who want to read or post, as well as agencies who are looking to collaborate with writers. The idea is to engage with other bloggers who are interested in similar things and have a chance to interact and possibly collaborate with thought leaders.



Not only is this a great site to share original content, posting on Triberr increases the likelihood that others will share your content on social media sites. Bloggers are notorious for collaborating and sharing content within their niche communities, so that is a good resource to tap.


MailChimp (or any other email marketing tool) offers a way to promote new content to existing followers. Create an option on your site for users to subscribe to your email newsletter – you can also actively recruit for subscribers on your social media sites.



What you send in emails is up to you, but it is a good idea to communicate frequency to subscribers before they sign up. If you do not post often, it might be a good idea to send an email every time you post. If you tend to post everyday, once a week might be a better pace. The goal is to give loyal readers a gentle reminder that new content is available and to be a convenience rather than an annoyance. After all, the secret to success in online marketing is in your relationships.


You are likely already active on LinkedIn for one reason or another, so utilizing it as a content promotion tool is a natural next step.

Simply choose the “publish a post” option and add your raw content. There are formatting options abound, and even a tool to add rich media to the post. Aim to include one or two backlinks in your post in order to drive some traffic back to your site.

For even more engagement, include a photo, infographic or video. The quicker you can draw someone in the better, and these visuals will do just that. People are much more likely to share something that has an image than a huge block of text. You can choose either free or sponsored posts to feature your content.



It is also a good idea to share content within relevant groups you belong to. Alumni groups, industry groups or even topic-based groups are all good options depending on what your piece focuses on. If you’re unsure how to create a piece specifically for social media and these groups, check out this page from No Risk SEO for help and advice.

Blog Engage

Similar to Triberr, Blog Engage is a social site designed to allow bloggers to submit recent posts. The difference here is that you post’s location on the site is determined by how readers rank it.



Readers are often fellow bloggers, but could also include a number of different audiences. There are many different topic categories, so people looking for content related to yours have an easy time navigating the site.


Outbrain is an excellent promotion tool is you are willing to create a budget for advertising. Each campaign can include one or more links to posts on your website (you cannot link to your homepage). Those posts are then advertised on the bottom of other posts around the Internet. You have likely seen these promoted pieces at some point. Here is an example from CNN.com:



Per click rates for this tool are less than other similar sites, so if you are willing to spend money, you will get a good value here. The higher your budget, the more likely your article is to appear on high traffic sites.

What other content promotion tools would you add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below.

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