What Makes The Best SEO Company in Florida

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We Are the Best SEO Company in Florida

Best SEO Company in FloridaWho is the best SEO company in Florida and what factors are used to determine who reigns supreme? After your finished reading this lengthy blog post, you’ll realize why The Marketing Cartel is the best SEO company in Florida.

SEO has changed so much over the last few years and even more recently in the past couple of months. Therefore, the oldest SEO company is likely not the greatest.

The best SEO company in Florida would be defined as the one who is able to adapt quickly to the ever changing algorithm, in a way which coincides with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and clearly avoids link schemes.

Experience is great, we have over 20+ years of combined SEO experience. However, most SEO experts should agree that the experienced gain 5 years ago, does not equate into what is done today. This is why many SEOs have had a hard time coping with the latest Google Penguin 2.0 update.

The Best SEO Company in Florida Does the Following:

Provides a good user experience on behalf of their clients. For this reason, we’re breaking down this chunky blog post into easy to digest sections. If you wish to skim the blog post, I understand. But reading everything will help you gain knowledge, terminology, insight, and get into the mind of a SEO expert who has experience ranking thosuands of keywords and more importantly, converting that traffic into buyers.

If your going to take the time to find the best SEO company in Florida, you on the right track to not getting screwed.

1. Checks Your Website – Architecture, User Experience, Call to Actions, etc.

Before starting on a full-blown SEO campaign, in our sales process, we identify if the website is current enough to compete in today’s competitive environment. The internet is not new anymore, so thousands of business are trying to profit off the immense buying power the web has.

Let me elaborate. If you have an old website built with Dreamweaver 10 years ago, with file names like page-1.html, page-2.html, etc; you’ll be wasting your money. File names should always have the target URL and be categorically separated.

Furthermore, if your website has a hard to find phone number, poor navigation, and generally looks outdated, even if we fix all these issues, the chance of your website converting is slim to none. Consumers/prospects will judge your business based on how your website looks.

Think of your website as your storefront, if you had cobwebs, have not cleaned your store, have really outdated products, the chances of a consumer making a purchase with you would be slim. Same goes with your website. It is a direct reflection of your business. Especially when many competitors may have website that have perfect architecture, designed with UX (user experience) in mind, screaming call to actions, etc.

Call to actions are critically important and positioning is of equal importance. Half science, half art. Call to action modifications and testing are done on a monthly basis by the expert staff at The Marketing Cartel. We use Google Analytic’s data to take meaningful actions based off logic, reasoning, & experience.

The bottom line: If your website is very old, you should update it. Spend the $1,000-$2,000, it will pay dividends. Would you share a stale website to all your friends and family if it was ugly, hard to navigate, and had little to no valuable information? That should answer your question.

2. Google Authorship Implementation

See that handsome young man? That is Google authorship implemented on our website. Google authorship allows a website owner to associate the content with the person who created it. Why is this so important? Google authorship comes with a plethora of benefits. Some of which include: increased visibility, click through rate, helps build online authority to the author, and can help guard your content from plagiarism. 

Statistics have proven early on that implementing Google Authorship can have a profound impact on not only your search engine rankings, but also the typical CTR (click through rate) you can expect. 

In one study, click through rates went up an astonishing 150%! How do this translate into your business? With your current rankings, if you were to implement authorship, your could expect to almost double your current traffic. Without paying a penny!

The bottom line: If you have an SEO company, and have no idea what this is, and even more troubling, if it is not implemented on your website at this moment in time … you need to work with the best SEO company in Florida because you are not getting what your paying for.

3. The Best SEO Company in Florida Constantly Creates High Quality Content

The best SEO company in Florida will not just build backlinks. Gone are the days of building 100s or even 1000s of backlinks and achieving Page One rankings. Sure, some still do it, but we care about longevity. Instant gratification can be a business owners worst nightmare when it comes to SEO. Instant gratification is typically correlated with those utilizing black hat SEO tactics, which Google does not condone.

It is our strong belief that churning out extremely informative & optimized content is critical. What do we mean by optimized? Surely not keyword stuffing.

The writings should be as if you were explaining a product or service and even teach someone something they were not aware of. Our team of copywriters write 600-1,000 word articles with embedded and relevant videos, images, headers, external outbound authority links, internal links, etc.

You see, we didn’t just read “Blogging is good, so we should do it”. We’ve ran multiple SEO case studies which show the results we’re currently achieving. Sure, you can just through up content, but the aforementioned aspects of that content is critical.

Having a constantly updated blog with the type of content described above is the ideal way to practice SEO. Gaining links naturally is more important and valuable than a link from a blog comment that has 1,000s of links on it. All links are not created equal, so we try our best to allow your website to earn them.

4. Link Building in a Post-Penguin Environment

The best SEO company in Florida should have plenty of SEO results post penguin. We do. Check our SEO results and the date in the top right. You’ll find more post-penguin 2.0 rankings than you’ll find anywhere else.

This entire post could have been the following: We’re the best SEO company in Florida because of our SEO results. The claim is followed by evidence and proof of our competence. However, there are many factors that go into these results which we wanted to take the time to show you, of course, in hopes of earning your business and gaining your trust.

Link building in a post-penguin environment is critical for us to remain the best SEO company in Florida. So how do we do it?

General directories left our vocabulary a while ago. They provide no value at all and purely manipulative tactics of artificially boosting a websites popularity. Our team strives to achieve backlinks by manually reaching out to webmasters, building relationships that old fashion way (we’re not afraid to pick up the phone to get you a really good link), creating extremely high quality content on Web 2.0 properties, etc.

Our ever growing, proprietary database is among the best in the business as it is manually reviewed on a monthly basis to ensure only the highest quality websites remain. This equates into links that are built to last.

5. Communication is Critical with The Best SEO Company in Florida

I’ve heard so many times, “My Florida SEO company won’t provide me reports because they say they have a secret sauce.” What is secret sauce? There is nothing secret about SEO. Furthermore, you can obtain all links from within Google Webmaster Tools, so that statement really bugs me for some reason.

Anyway, any company claiming to be the best seo company in Florida should have no reservations about sending the following:

  • Work Reports – Highlight the actual work done over any given month.
  • Rank Reports – Indicate the progress being made on main keywords being targeted.
  • Analytical Reports – Advanced segments stripping brand searches, .com searches, etc.

In addition to reporting, you should have access to an experienced SEO expert. This is actually one of the reasons I formed my own company with my business partner.

A Florida SEO company I use to work for would hire entry level people and give them over 50 different accounts. How can a entry level person provide any sort of value regarding SEO?

The bottom line: We’re one of the best seo companies in Florida because you speak to an SEO expert who has direct experience ranking websites post-penguin 2.0. Not an entry level employee. I guess you do get what you pay for.

In summary, we hope we’ve built the case to be named the best Florida SEO Company!

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